The story begins with The Joker in prison pitching in (and enjoying) a ballgame. After a few pitches, the catcher switches the ball with one he has stashed in his padding, and tells The Joker ""This is the one."" As the batter hits the ball, a smoke cloud appears and before anyone had known what happened, The Joker escaped using a spring-loaded device that propelled him over the prison wall! The only thing The Joker left behind was a statue of his face and bust that was concealed under the spring contraption. Batman and Robin go to the museum to check everything out--they were suspicious the Joker would strike there in revenge because he had not been entered into The Comedy Hall of Fame. When arriving, they found out The Joker's statue was indeed there and decided he must be somewhere else. After everything's locked up they believe that no one can break in, but that doesn't mean they can't break out. While going back in they find The Joker trying to steal the valuable jewels inside.
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