Degrassi: The Next Generation is a Canadian teen drama television series, set in the Degrassi fictional universe created by Linda Schuyler and Kit Hood in 1980. Degrassi: The Next Generation is the fourth fictional series in the Degrassi franchise, following The Kids of Degrassi Street, Degrassi Junior High, and Degrassi High. Like its predecessors, Degrassi: The Next Generation follows a group of students attending Degrassi Community School who face challenges common to teen life, such as self image, peer pressure, child abuse, sexual identity, gang violence, self-injury, school shootings, teenage pregnancy and drug abuse.
Actors: Christina Schmidt, Miriam McDonald, Amanda Stepto, Lauren Collins, Ryan Cooley, Jake Epstein, Cassie Steele, Daniel Clark, Stefan Brogren, Shane Kippel, Sarah Barrable-Tishauer, Stacey Farber, Dan Woods, Melissa McIntyre, Stacie Mistysyn, Andrea Lewis, Aubrey Graham,
Genre: Drama
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