Based on the critically acclaimed novel of the same name, this series provided a hopeful, yet honest look at life in the new South. Set in the fictional Sparta, Mississippi, the show was a marvelous blend of heartfelt drama and folksy humor. It portrayed both the professional and personal pursuits of Sparta P.D's officers. Series star Carroll O'Connor, in a role far removed from Archie Bunker, served as executive producer. Using the pen name Matt Harris, Mr. O'Connor was also the story editor and wrote many of the episodes.
Actors: Christian LeBlanc, Tonea Stewart, Randall Franks, Hugh O'Connor, Howard Rollins, Carroll O'Connor, David Hart, Alan Autry, C.C. Taylor, Wilbur Fitzgerald, Harvey E. Lee Jr., Barbara Belmonte, Peter Gabb, Lois Nettleton, Dee Shaw, Mark Johnson, Anne-Marie Johnson, Dan B
Genre: Drama