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What is I'm Dickens--He's Fenster about?
Welcome to the I'm Dickens--He's Fenster guide at TV Tome. Show Type: Sitcom Total Episodes: 32 Black and White (30 mins) First Telecast: September 28, 1962 Last Telecast: September 13, 1963 Slapstick comedy with Harry Dickens (John Astin) and Arch Fenster (Marty Ingels), two carpenter / construction workers who are constantly getting into dangerous situations on and off the job. Their boss, Mr. Bannister (Frank De Vol), is always on their case. Fenster is also well known for his little black book full of woman's phone numbers. Dickens is the henpecked married man, while Fenster is the worldly-wise bachelor. Harry Dickens wants to lead a more exciting life - which means spending more time with Arch - but his beautiful wife Kate (Emmaline Henry ) won't permit it. UK Air Dates: Nov. 9 1962- Jan. 27 1964 (32 episodes)-ITV Fri. 8pm; Tues. 7pm, Mon. 6:15pm ABC Timeslot History (New Episodes) Entire Run: Friday @ 9PM

Actors: Henry Beckman, David Ketchum, Emmaline Henry, Marty Ingels, John Astin, Frank DeVol

Season 1 of I'm Dickens--He's Fenster

    Episode 23: The Bet  
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