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What is Junkyard Wars about?
This engineering challenge started off some years ago in the UK and has now made it over to TLC. In 2001 they filmed two seasons' worth of programs with a whole series of extreme Junkyard machines being built by teams of bikers, high-tech engineers, school teachers, and even hillbillies!

Actors: George Gray, Cathy Rogers, Rossi Morreale, Greg Bryant, Tyler Harcott, Sally Grey, Robert Llewellyn, Lisa Rogers
Genre: Game Show, Reality, Special Interest

    Episode 2:   

Season 1 of Junkyard Wars

    Episode 2: Siege  
    Episode 4: Sub-Aqua  
    Episode 6: Buggies  
    Episode 7: Rockets  

Season 2 of Junkyard Wars

    Episode 2: Cannons  

Season 3 of Junkyard Wars

    Episode 4: Windmill  
    Episode 9: Fireboat  

Season 4 of Junkyard Wars

    Episode 1: Hot Rods  
    Episode 4: Boats  

Season 5 of Junkyard Wars

    Episode 5: Gliders  

Season 6 of Junkyard Wars

    Episode 3: Torpedo  

Season 7 of Junkyard Wars

Season 8 of Junkyard Wars

Season 9 of Junkyard Wars

    Episode 10: Diggers  

Season 10 of Junkyard Wars

Season 11 of Junkyard Wars

Season 12 of Junkyard Wars

    Episode 7: Jet Cars  
    Episode 11: Tanks  

Season 13 of Junkyard Wars

    Episode 5:   

Season 14 of Junkyard Wars

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