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What is Two Girls Named Smith about?
Two Girls Named Smith Co-starring in this show were two girls named Peggy - Peggy French and Peggy Ann Garner (pictured). Produced by Richard Lewis and directed by Charles S. Dubin, this was a thirty-minute situation comedy that delighted its audience every Saturday at noon. Peggy Ann played Babs, an aspiring model who had moved to Manhattan from Omaha. Her roommate, Fran Smith, was her cousin, an aspiring artist/fashion designer. Each week would present another daffy adventure in the big city. As the show progressed, they decided Babs should have a boyfriend. Enter Richard Hayes, who, in reality, was Peggy Ann Garner's husband. Normally a singer, Richard gave acting a shot and played the part well. Joseph Buloff played Mr. Basmany, their elderly neighbor, a Bohemian poet who referred to himself as the girls' "friend, companion and philosopher". "Two Girls Named Smith" was rated in the top five for weekend shows. After eight months, however, Peggy Ann Ga

Actors: Richard Hayes, Peggy Ann Garner, Adelaide Klein, Arthur Walsh, Kermit Kegley, Marcia Henderson, Nina Foch, Joseph Buloff, Jane Dulo, Peggy French

Season 1 of Two Girls Named Smith

    Episode 1: Unknown  
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