Alana, a teenaged girl from the year 3000, finds herself trapped in 1990 with Silverthorn, a criminal from the year 2500. Alone and confused, she befriends a spirited girl named Jenny Kelly. Together they attempt to track down the time capsule which brought her there, while evading Silverthorn. She must convince people of this time period that she is not crazy and that Silverthorn must be stopped before he tries to take over everything.
Realizing that they have polluted the time stream with their experiments, the scientists from the year 3000 resolve to return Jenny and Silverthorn to their respective times. Troubles in the year 2500, however, lead to Alana and her guardian, Lorien, returning to a devastated future. They must return to 2500 and change whatever it was that went wrong in order to stop The Great Disaster from reaching Australia.
Actors: John Howard, Melissa Marshall, Monroe Reimers, Andrew Clark, Katharine Cullen, Helen O'Connor, Miles Buchanan, James Findlay
Genre: Children, Science-Fiction
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