This animated series is the fourth incarnation of the creepy characters based on the macabre family comics created by Charles Addams. It first came out as a television series in the 1960's. They then became animated in the 70's, first in their own animated series, and then an appearance in The New Scooby-Doo Movies around the same time. The family then went movie-bound in the early 90's as they were put on the big screen. It was a hit at the box office, which prompted a sequel (Addams Family Values), but before then, this second animated series that features the gang of macabre miscreants who have their own unusual ways of having fun adventures.
Actors: Jim Cummings, Dick Beals, Rip Taylor, Pat Fraley, Debi Derryberry, Jeannie Elias, Rob Paulsen, John Astin, Edie McClurg, Nancy Linari, Carol Channing
Genre: Comedy
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