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Watch Second Chance (1977) online

What is Second Chance (1977) about?
Welcome to the Second Chance (1977) guide at TV Tome. There is no editor for this show. If you would like to be the editor look here for details. Three contestants competed on this ABC game show. Two rounds were played per game. The first half of a round had 3 questions. The players would write down their answer. Then the host tells the multiple choice answers. The contestant could either stick with the original anwer or take a second chance. Getting it right the first time was 3 spins, using a second chance, 1 spin. Up to 9 spins could be won. The second half of a round had the contestants take their spins on a giant board with flashing lights. By turn, the contestant pushes the plunger down to stop the flashing lights hoping to win money or prizes. But there are squares that contain "DEVILS"! Hit the Devil & you lose your winnings. 4 DEVILS put you out of the game. You could also elect to pass your spins as well. Only the winner kept the earnings.

Actors: Jack Clark, Jay Stewart, Jim Peck

Season 1 of Second Chance (1977)

    Episode 1: Pilot  
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