Welcome to the Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad guide at TV Tome. This show is based on the Japanese "Tokusatsu" (Special Effect) series "Denkou Choujin Gridman" by Tsuburaya Productions (best known for the "Ultraman" series). When the super-virus Kilokahn brings Malcom Frinks artistic renderings of virus monsters to life and sick them on circutry and computer systems it is up to Sam Collins and his band mates Tanker, Syd, and Amp (Later Lucky) to stop them. When viruses attack Sam enters the computer and becomes Servo and if needed his friends enter as well to aid in the defence against virus monsters.
Actors: Tim Curry, Kath Soucie, Rembrandt, Kevin Castro, Robin Mary Florence, Jayme Betcher, Glen Beaudin, Troy Slaten, Kelli Kirkland, Diana Bellamy, Matthew Lawrence, John Wesley