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What is Bus Stop about?
Welcome to the Bus Stop guide at TV Tome. The bus stop of this series was a dine in Sunrise, Colorado, a small town in Rocky Mountain country. The continuing characters included Grace Sherwood, the working owner of the diner, Elma Gahringer the waitress, Sheriff Will Mayberry and DA Glenn Wagner. The stories revolved around the people passing through Sunrise, and many an unusual character stepped off that interstate bus. The program earned national notoriety and probably early cancellation due to an episode titled "A Lion Walks Among Us", which was based on a Tom Wicker novel and starred rock singer Fabian Forte as a youthful psychopath bent on murder and mayhem. This segment was widely denounced for its explicit violence and sadism and was cited in Congressional hearings on violence in television. The president of ABC-TV when challenged by an angry senator as to whether he allowed his own children to watch such a series, stammered and admitted no he did not. Shortly thereafter th

Actors: Joan Freeman, Marilyn Maxwell, Richard Anderson, Rhodes Reason

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