Jeeves and Wooster is a British comedy television series adapted by Clive Exton from P.G. Wodehouse's Jeeves stories. It starred Hugh Laurie as Bertie Wooster, a jovial but empty-headed young gentleman, and Stephen Fry as Jeeves, his improbably well-informed and talented valet. The stories are set in England and the United States in the pre-World War II 20th century (there are aspects of the Edwardian era, 1920s, and 1930s). Wooster is a well-to-do bachelor, a minor aristocrat and member of the idle rich. He and his friends, who are mainly members of The Drones Club, are aided in all manner of societal adventures by the indispensable "gentleman's personal gentleman," Jeeves. Wodehouse drew the themes of his plots, which concern the entangled love lifes of the major characters, from classical New Comedy.
Actors: Hugh Laurie, Stephen Fry
Genre: Comedy
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