The show starts off with a game of Superheroes with Greg as Chocolate Bunny Man, Ryan as Mimics Everyone Behind Their Back Boy, Colin as Captain Lounge Act, and Wayne as Can't Control His Legs Man. Then, in Sound Effects, Colin acts out a scene as a teenager going on his first prom date with Ryan doing the sound effects. Next, Wayne does a Song Styles song to Lydia the geographer as M.C. Hammer. Then they all do a German version of The Millionaire Show with Greg as Regis, Ryan as the contestant, Wayne as Uncle Schmidt in the audience, and Colin as brother Hogan on the phone.
Greg wins, so Wayne, Drew, Colin, and Ryan do the ""You're Ugly"" Hoedown. Then Ryan and Colin read the credits as two crotchety old men yelling at people to get off their property.
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