Shannon Moore, Lash LeRoux, and Crowbar defeated TAFKA Prince Iuakea, Juventud Guerrera, and Chris Candido...Harlm Heat 2000 defeated Sid Vicious in a US Title Qualification Match...Lex Luger defeated Shane Douglas...Scott Steiner defeated Billy Kidman, Booker, The Wall, Ernest Miller, and Vampiro in a ""Colorado Collision Match""...Madusa defeated Kimberly by Disqualification...Terry Funk and Screamin' Norman Smiley defeated Hugh Morrus and Meng and Brian Knobs and Fit Finlay in a hardcore three way match...Sting defeated The Villanos in a US Title Qualification Match...Ric Flair defeated Buff Bagwell by Disqualification...Diamond Dallas Page and Bam Bam Bigelow fought to a No Contest.
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