This week's Tough Enough had to be seen to be believed, as the greatest rib in the show's history was pulled off perfectly. Complaining of an injured neck, Jonah was sent to a nearby hospital. Initially, the injury looked bad, which frightened Jonah's cast mates. While at the hospital, however, it was learned that Jonah's injuries were not as severe as first thought and that he would be alright with a little medication.
Being the opportunist that he is, Jonah decided that this was the perfect opportunity to play a rib on his cast mates. Wrapped in head bandages and secured by a neck brace, Jonah walked into Trax West and asked everybody to sit around him. He began to cry as he told them that his injury was forcing him out of the competition. As Jonah began to cry, so did all of the other cast mates. This truly was an emotional moment. Before leaving, Jonah asked that everybody say something nice about him. Each member of the cast choked back tears as they spoke kind words about Jonah.
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