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Watch Pok�mon online: Episode 49 Barry's Busting Out All Over!

Ash and friends finally arrive back in Hearthome City so that Ash can have his rematch with Hearthome City Gym Leader Fantina. On the way to the gym a trainer runs into him. He quickly runs off, leaving his badge case on the ground. As he can't have his battle with Fantina just yet, he tries to find the owner. In the park he again runs into Barry, the trainer the case belongs too. Barry reveals that he knows about Ash from the Tag Team Tournament. He then starts talking about how he idolizes Paul and wants his pok�mon to be just like Paul's. Ash is upset with this, and challenges him to a battle. However, first Barry must go get his pok�mon from a pok�mon stand where some people watch your pok�mon. However, it turns out to be just a scam by Team Rocket. After that is taken care of, Ash and Barry begin their battle.

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