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Watch Pok�mon online: Episode 22 Pokémon: Zoroark: Master of Illusions

Ash, Pikachu, and company stop by in a house where they intend to watch a match of the Pokémon Baccer World Cup between the evolutionary line of Elekid and Beldum. Brock explains about what the Pokémon Baccer World Cup is, and an image of a mysterious man shows up after the match in the TV and exhibits its team formed by a Raikou, Entei, and Suicune, that quickly drags the spinning-top shaped object in the floating pyramid, making the gang want to see them live. Recognizing them as legendary Pokémon, Team Rocket starts getting excited that they should capture them. A Nurse Joy then shows up, saying that she is also very excited for the match. Ash then proposes to reach Crown City before the day's end, where the next Pokémon Baccer World Cup will be held.

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