On the way to Hearthome City, Ash, Dawn, and Brock stop by a scenic lake to relax and let their Pokémon out. While relaxing, an Electrike comes running by and accidentally attack them, and shocking Ash. Electrike's trainer, Jaco, comes over to apologizes. Jaco tells them that he is a breeder. They a man comes over to Jaco and tells Ash and the others of the Training Center for electric Pokémon that is nearby. While there, Jaco confesses that he would rather breed flying-types, but he is stuck in the center raising an Electrike that he does not have faith in. However, Brock does convince him to let him help take care of Electrike for a little while. Meanwhile, Team Rocket see the dedication that Electrike is putting forth, which inspires James and Meowth to help, while Jessie decides to capture it.
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