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Watch Pok�mon online: Episode 40 Top - Down Training!

On the way to Hearthome City, Ash, Dawn, and Brock stop at a Pokémon center. On the TV they watch a battle between Lucian and the Sinnoh Champion: Cynthia. When Ash hears that Cynthia is in nearby Amity Square, he rushes off to meet her. When they arrive at the square, Paul is also there and challenges her to battle. Cynthia agrees and the two begin their battle. However, Paul soon losses four of his Pokémon to Cynthia's powerful Garchomp and calls off the battle. He takes his Pokémon to the Pokémon Center where Cynthia then heals them. Meanwhile, Ash might learn more about Paul and how he treats his Pokémon, while Team Rocket plan to steal Paul's Pokémon.

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