Ash goes to Professor Oak to ask for advice about what to do about the Pokémon League as he has not done much training being sidetracked the past while. He tells Ash it is too late but to try his best anyway. They hit the road to Indigo Plateau to find a guy named Otoshi who challenges Ash. If Otoshi wins, he may take all of Ash's badges. Ash defeats him, to discover he didn't have any badges. They were stolen, by Team Rocket. Meanwhile, James and Meowth discover the badges they just stole to be gone. Jessie had taken them, to go onto the Pokémon League alone. Otoshi's Marowak gets frustrated, and walks away. Otoshi despairs, until they spot Team Rocket's balloon. James and Meowth take off, but are stopped by Ash and searched. They find nothing, and James and Meowth are off to get Jessie. They find her, forgive her, and get back together. Otoshi battles them for the badges back, but almost loses until Marowak shows up to stop them. Marowak came back after remembering some of the better times with Otoshi. They get the badges back, and Otoshi and Ash go their separate ways towards the Pokémon League.
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