In spite of Hattie's protest, Russell picks up day labor working in a mine. Concerned for her son's safety, Hattie makes it perfectly clear that she doesn't approve. Fighting to stay on top of their orders and meet deadlines and low on manpower, taxed to the limit, it's a crisis waiting to happen. A support beam gives way, causing the mine to collapse, trapping twelve miners, including Russell. Her worst fears confirmed, Hattie is beside herself with worry–as are the rest of the family. Meanwhile, Russell struggles to keep the crew in the right frame of mind to weather the crisis. While in the mine, fighting for survival Russell is visited by his deceased father. Somewhere between dream and reality, Russell has a chance to clear away some unfinished business between he and his father. Finally, the rescue teams break through to the other side. The men (and woman) emerge weary survivors singing the inspirational song ""Swing Low, Sweet Chariot.""
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