September through December in the year Universal Century 0079 the Principality of Zeon invents a gigantic human-shaped weapon called the Mobile Suit and begins its war for independence against the Earth Federation. Amuro Ray becomes the pilot of Gundam, a prototype developed by Federation Force. Through his battles against the ace pilot of Zeon, Char Aznable, and the bitter trials of the war, he becomes aware of his uniqueness as a NewType...
Actors: Kirby Morrow, Brendan Beiser, Lenore Zann, Brad Swaile, Mathew Smith, Mami Koyama, Ward Perry, Terry Klassen, Brian Dobson, Ross Douglas, Sylvia Zaradic, Marjorie Malpass, Glenn Hopkins, John Payne, Dane B. McFadhen, Michelle Porter, Alaina Burnett, Chris Kalhoon,
Genre: Animation, Science-Fiction
Imdb: click here