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What is Liberty Street about?
Welcome to the Liberty Street guide at TV Tome.<br> From the epitome website:<br> The mismatched 20-something tenants of "The Pit" apartment building try to grab life with both hands, tangling with love, jobs, dreams, learning, weddings, flirting... MackLives with Jan and Christine as Chris' "nanny" JanSingle mother of Chris, trying to become a lawyer ChristineJan's 8 or 9 year old daughter AnnieObject of Stuart's and Frank's affections <B>LucilleWife of Ernie, together they run the Cafe in the basement of the apartment <B>ErnieHusband of Lucille, together they run the Cafe StuartSocially inept guy who lives in the basement and wears T-shirts from comic books <B>WadeSinger in a band MarshaBike messanger, lives with Nathan <B>NathanGay native children's entertainer, lives with Marsha <B>FrankSuperintendant of the Epitome, nephew of Drive Home Dave, songwriter <B>Drive Home DaveOwner of the Epitome, uncle of Frank, radio producer

Actors: Joel Bissonnette, Reiner Schwarz, Kimberly Huie, L. Dean Ifill, Dean Paras, Jhene Erwin, Billy Merasty, Pat Mastroianni, Melissa Daniel, Katherine Ashby, Richard Zeppieri, Henriette Ivanans, Keith Knight, Hamish McEwan, Marcia Laskowski, Nahanni Johnstone

Season 1 of Liberty Street

Season 2 of Liberty Street

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