Studio One, presented by Westinghouse, was one of the first of the anthology TV programs. A total of 466 episodes aired on CBS between 1948 and 1958. The program appeared in various time slots before finally settling in on Monday night. Like a number of other 1950s and '60s television shows, Studio One was moved over from radio, where it had started in the mid-1940s. Studio One was aired in the following time slots:<br> November 1948 - March 1949 -- Sunday 7:30 - 8:30
March 1949 - May 1949 -- Sunday 7:00 - 8:00
May 1949 - September 1949 -- Wednesday 10:00-11:00
September 1949 - September 1958 -- Monday 10:00-11:00 By 1957, live TV was giving way to filmed shows, and the industry was migrating from New York to Los Angeles. The show was renamed Studio One in Hollywood and started airing filmed shows. Westinghouse stopped sponsoring the program and a year later, Studio One was gone. The show was nominated for numerous Emmy Awards throughout its run; it was
Actors: John Cannon, Betty Furness
Genre: Drama