Welcome to the Dennis the Menace (1986 animated series) guide at TV Tome. Based on the comic strip created by Hank Ketcham, the young blonde boy with a cowlick and a mischievous personality became an instant hit in comic books, a live-action sitcom during the 60s, and finally, this popular animated series. Dennis is an impulsive, angel-faced little devil who is always getting into scrapes and exasperating his next-door neighbor, the curmudgeonly Mr. Wilson (voiced here by Phil Hartman, the much-loved comedian of Saturday Night Live and News Radio fame). The animated Dennis, voiced by Brennan Thicke (son of TV star Allan Thicke) and accompanied by friends Margaret, Tommy and Joey and dog Ruff, finds himself involved in all kinds of wild adventures, including international espionage and trips into the past - but always manages to save the day. A premier syndicated attraction and an American classic.
Watch the series intro - Hosted by 80scartoon.net
(Runtime: 00:00:59 | Siz
Actors: Martine Reigner, Hank Sound, Michael Beltzner, Jonathan Beltzner, Riva Spier, Louise Vallance, Jeannie Elias, Marilyn Lightstone, Brennan Thicke, Phil Hartman, Maurice LaMarche
Genre: Animation, Children