Described by executive producer Raymond Thompson as "Star Wars on the planet Earth", this is a fantasy saga of bravery, magic, myth and romance.
William Tell is the youthful leader of a band of young, ˜brat pack' outlaws, forever hunted by the forces of darkness, led by Xax and Kreel, who have usurped power in their homeland.
The series of self-contained stories follows Will's quest to restore young Princess Vara to her rightful place on the royal throne and defeat Xax and Kreel's forces - and by doing so, bring back peace and order to the Kingdom of Kale.
There is action and adventure along the way, magic, creatures, mystery, intrigue - but also much human drama and interplay among Will's rebel band who must support each other in their quest. The group encounter a diverse range of people and situations on their journey - some help the resistance movement, others are cohorts of Xax and Kreel
Actors: Beth Allen, Katrina Browne, Drew Neemia, Ray Henwood, Sharon Tyrell, Nathaniel Lees, Kieren Hutchison, Andrew Binns
Genre: Action and Adventure