The Jetsons is an animated sitcom that was produced by Hanna-Barbera. It was Hanna-Barbera’s Space Age counterpart to The Flintstones, a half-hour family sitcom projecting contemporary American culture and lifestyle into another time period. The Jetsons live in a futuristic utopia in the year 2062 of elaborate robotic contraptions, aliens, holograms, and whimsical inventions.
Actors: George O'Hanlon, Lorenzo Music, Janet Waldo, Dick Beals, Mel Blanc, Penny Singleton, Frank Welker, Allan Lurie, Jean Vander Pyl, Daws Butler, Phil Hartman, Don Messick, Ruth Buzzi, Tony Pope, Gregg Berger, Foster Brooks, Avery Schreiber, Chick Vennera
Genre: Kids
Imdb: click here