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What is True Blue about?
Welcome to the True Blue guide at TV Tome. There is no editor for this show. If you would like to be the editor look here for details. When a citizen is in trouble, he calls a cop. When a cop is in trouble he calls the Emergency Service Unit. Packed with the latest in sophisticated rescue gear and SWAT team firepower, this group of officers makes up New York's primary response team for all types of major emergency calls. Made up of a special group of police officers who are highly skilled, trained and courageous enough to put their lives on the line every day, this unit handles all situations ranging from terrorist attacks to subway disasters. From life-threatening crisis to the humorous or poignant moments that are shared by this diverse group of officers in the field, in their personal lives and together as partners, True Blue is based on the real men and women who serve in the New York City E.S.U. This action/adventure series focuses on this unique team and their work.

Actors: Grant Show, Ally Walker, Beau Starr, Elya Baskin, John Bolger, Timothy Van Patten, Annie Golden, Amanda Plummer, Peter Fernandez, Jonathan Benefiel, Costa Photopoulos, Victor Arnold, Dick Latessa, Joe Lisi, Erick Avari, Eddie Velez, Leo Burmester, Nestor Serrano, Darne

Season 1 of True Blue

    Episode 10: Caves  
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