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What is Barney Miller about?
Barney Miller is the kind of cop we'd all like to run into. He is always sensible. He maintains order over a squad room of detectives who gamble for a hobby, get hit on by anything in skirts, go to renaissance philosophy conventions for fun, and would really prefer to be writing. Nearly all of the action takes place in the squad room where the citizens and criminals are brought in to complicate the mix.

Actors: James Gregory, George Murdock, Florence Stanley, Steve Landesberg, Max Gail, Barbara Barrie, Gregory Sierra, Ron Glass, Jack Soo, Ron Carey, Hal Linden, Abe Vigoda
Genre: Comedy
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Season 1 of Barney Miller

(watch here)

Season 2 of Barney Miller

    Episode 7: Hotel  

Season 3 of Barney Miller

    Episode 4: Bus Stop  
    Episode 6: Werewolf  
    Episode 11: Hash  
    Episode 19: Asylum  

Season 4 of Barney Miller

    Episode 3: Bugs  
    Episode 5: Burial  
    Episode 6: Copy Cat  
    Episode 7: Blizzard  
    Episode 8: Chase  
    Episode 10: Tunnel  
    Episode 15: Rape  
    Episode 20: Hostage  

Season 5 of Barney Miller

    Episode 4: Dog Days  
    Episode 12: Toys  
    Episode 15: The Spy  

Season 6 of Barney Miller

    Episode 3: Vacation  
    Episode 7: The Bird  
    Episode 8: The Desk  
    Episode 16: Guns  
    Episode 22: Fog  

Season 7 of Barney Miller

    Episode 4: Dorsey  
    Episode 14: Rachel  
    Episode 19: Riot  

Season 8 of Barney Miller

    Episode 3: The Car  
    Episode 6: Games  
    Episode 7: Homeless  
    Episode 14: Arrival  
    Episode 16: Inquiry  
    Episode 19: Bones  
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