Christine's 13-year-old son, Ritchie (series star Trevor Gagnon), is now starting middle school at the posh private school where Christine endures endless encounters with two snooty, stay-at-home "meanie moms," Marly (series star Tricia O'Kelley), and Lindsay, (series star Alex Kapp Horner). Keeping Christine grounded is her younger brother, Matthew (series star Hamish Linklater), who lives with her, helping to care for Ritchie and serving as her emotional rock. The formerly floundering Matthew recently found his path, and it wasn't with the help of a therapist; in fact, it's as a therapist. Everyone seems to be making changes with their lives; now Christine is trying to do the same with hers. In the fifth season premiere, Christine and Matthew fly to the Bahamas to help get Barb an illegal visa, after she was thrown in jail by immigration during Richard and New Christine's disastrous wedding in the season four finale.
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