Michael got a modeling job in Japan, so he proposes to Maggie so they don't have to be apart. Maxwell has a hard time accepting the fact that his little daughter has grown into a mature woman, but eventually comes to terms with Michael. On the wedding day, Fran finds out Michael's cousin is James Brolin, Barbara Streisand's husband, and that Barbara herself is coming to the ceremony. Fran is in such shock for finally meeting her idol that has contractions and is rushed to the hospital. It's all a false alarm, but Fran does not want to stay in the hospital while Barbara is at her house. She sneaks out, but when she gets home there's nobody there. Max calls the house and reveals Fran he planned a little surprise for her: he took Barbara to the hospital. Fran doesn't forgive her, but the wedding goes on and Maggie finally marries the man of her life.
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