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Watch Pingu online: Episode 6 Pingu the Painter

Pingu has a pad of paper, and goes over to the shed to look around. In an old wooden container he finds a box of paints, brushes, etc. which is just what he�s looking for. He loads them onto his sledge, finds an easel and artist�s cap in an old barrel, loads the easel on to the sledge, puts the cap on his head and sets off out. After a while he comes across an interesting ice formation but, after examining it carefully from an artists perspective, decides it�s not quite right and continues on his way. He finds a block of ice that will do, sets up his easel, measures up and starts painting. He has completed a painting when Robby appears from behind the ice, pulls up a convenient block and strikes a pose! Pingu paints Robby, and has just about finished when Robby starts messing about and not holding the pose. Robby then strikes a new pose and Pingu starts afresh, but it is not long before Robby starts messing about again, which gets Pingu rather annoyed. Robby poses yet again. Pingu paints a "sad" Robby, but as he admires his third Robby painting a blob of red paint lands on the paper, which makes the face on the picture move, and change from "sad" to "surprised", to Pingu's astonishment; Robby has abandoned posing and has found the tubes of paint! Pingu then has a paint-fight with Robby, which ends with both of them laughing and a lot of paint on the ice. Pingu then packs up and they leave together. What they don�t realise is that the mess of paint left behind on the ice is a work of art in itself!

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