Based upon the trilogy by Lucy Maud Montgomery, Emily of New Moon follows the life of orphaned Emily Bryd Starr (Martha MacIsaac) who is sent to live with her stern Aunt Elizabeth and kind Aunt Laura. She becomes friends with Ilse Burnley (Jessica Pellerin), whose mother vanished when she was a child. Nearby lives Teddy Kent (Shawn Roberts), whose mother is overbearing and to complete the cast of characters is the charming Perry Miller (Kris Lemche), the chore boy at New Moon. While the TV series is not faithful to the books, it is still good family entertainment. Original Books:
Emily of New Moon
Emily Climbs
Emily's Quest
Actors: John Neville, Susan Clark, Sheila McCarthy, Jessica Pellerin, Martha MacIsaac, Shawn Roberts, Linda Thorson, Stephen McHattie, Kris Lemche