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What is Swans Crossing about?
Welcome to Swans Crossing at TV Tome Swans Crossing was a show about twelve teenagers that live in a fictional town called, Swans Crossing. The teenagers were:Sydney Rutledge, Garrett Booth, Mila Rosnovsky, Glory Booth, J.T. Adams, Neil Atwater, Callie Walker, Jimmy Clayton, Saja Decastro, Owen Fowler, Nancy Robbins, and Sandy Swan. Sydney was the mayor's scheming daughter, who "liked" Garrett, but was not allowed to see him. J.t and Glory were also kind of a couple, Glory is GArret's sister. NEil and J.T. were trying to invent a rocket fuel(Ub2B). A lot of other stuff happened in Swans CRossing. Take a look at the episode guide to see(if you can write a more in-depth summary for an episode please e-mail it to me think all the air dates are complete, and i am trying to get a very short summary for every episode.

Actors: Sarah Michelle Gellar, Mira Sorvino, Brittany Daniel, Ashley Chapman, Evan Ferrante, Ziska Beveridge, Kristy Barbera, Kristen Mahon, Doanld Symington, Eddie T. Robinson, Carisa Dahlbo, Tom Carroll, Gerry Bamman, Delphi Harrington, Shane McDermott, Laurie Kennedy, Alex

Season 1 of Swans Crossing

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