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What is Burt Luddin's Love Buffet about?
Welcome to the Burt Luddin's Love Buffet guide at TV Tome. In the annals of game showdom, there have been some great game shows, many average to mediocre games and then plain awful ones. Then, there's those that are in just plain sleazy and poor taste. so much so you can see the putrid stench reeking from the TV screen. Many critics placed Burt Luddin's Love Buffet in that dubious category. Burt Luddin's Love Buffet was Game Show Network's (now GSN) short-lived (ahem) "attempt" to rehash The Newlywed Game by marrying the rules from that often-imitated (and vastly superior) classic to elements from situation comedies. Set in a Las Vegas-style setting, three couples competed for a vacation. During the game part of the show, Luddin asked the couples questions about their love lives and relationships that is, personal questions, many of them about sex, which probed the couples' private lives. Couples won points for matching responses. The couple with the most points a

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