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What is The Magnificent Seven about?
The Magnificent Seven is a program based on the five-movie series (but mostly the first two) from the 60s and 70s, which was in turn based on the 1954 Japanese film "Seven Samurai" by Akira Kurosawa. The Magnificent Seven was cancelled by CBS after the 1997-1998 season, but was later renewed thanks to a large internet campaign to save the show. The Magnificent Seven was cancelled halfway through its second season run, but thanks to fan support CBS agreed to air the remaining six episodes. Unfortunately ratings were so low, CBS was only able to air two of the six before canceling the program again. Read about several extras accounts of their days working for The Magnificent Seven.

Actors: Rick Worthy, Eric Close, Michael Biehn, Anthony Starke, Ron Perlman, Dale Midkiff, Andrew Kavovit, Laurie Holden, Dana Barron
Genre: Drama, Western
Imdb: click here

Season 1 of The Magnificent Seven

    Episode 6: Witness  
    Episode 7: Nemesis  
    Episode 9: Manhunt  

Season 2 of The Magnificent Seven

    Episode 4: Vendetta  
    Episode 9: Achilles  
    Episode 10: Penance  
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