(Police Academy Survival Training Exercise) Cadet Mike Looney says to get out of the car with his hands in the air. He wanted to be a cop since he was a kid, maybe he's naïve ,but the fact you can help people is a noble position to be in. Officer Wes Edstrom supervises as he gets out of the car at gunpoint, cuffs and searches a guy. Mike is told to keep the back door open while searching them and put their feet back and head on the trunk to keep them off balance. When you go down to search don't go on your knees or they can kick you. It's looks good. (Practical Exercises Lab) Sgt. Dave Martenz draws on a board about the training, they can film them from all angles. They can see if they have it or not, how they treat people, if they have a bad attitude. He's not looking to scare them or drum them out, he wants it to be a positive experience. They are going to a bar scenario. The actors are real cops using lines they've all heard in the bars. Dave says he's heard it over 12 years while he watching, it's real interesting. The bartender says he's having trouble with drunk customers and wants them out. They try to talk to them and say why do they have to leave. It's their bar, they want them out. One woman fights and they throw them out. Then they find a gun on one guy and he claims he has a permit and wants to show it. He tries to get him to put the gun down as his partner holds him at gunpoint. They hold him back and he fights because he doesn't like to be restrained. He says he can walk out on his own. They say OK and the guy runs out. He comes back in with a gun and says for the cops to let her go or they'll get shot. They both run out. That's two in a row they screwed up. Dave says if they can't win don't go forward. (Cadet Graduation) They have to swear in and are official housing patrol cops in a large ceremony. Mike kisses his gum-chewing wife. (Roll Call) Sgt. Thomas Kerns reads out the assignment. 510 is Laplant and Zurwas, 520 is Hirsch and Looney. Mike was top man in his class and got the William Perry award – they are goofing on him. Talk to the Sgt about it. (8:40 PM) Officer Mike Looney says it's his first day. (911 Call Street Shooting) A black man in blue jeans, a blue hat with A on it and a black t-shirt is the shooter. Greg is driving him on his first day. Tom says she's all yours. They drive around looking for the guy and finally spot him. Mike holds him at gunpoint, Greg searches him and says he's sweating like a racehorse. The suspect asks what that means. He's cuffed and says he matches the description of a shooter. Where was he? He was at his girlfriend’s, cousin’s house. He turned away because he's scared out the police, not going to lie. His cousin lives right there at 206. They go back to the cordoned off scene to ID him. Officer Greg Hirsch says the hat is a Wrigley field diamond which looks like an A (9:10 PM) The ambulance is working on the victim with two gun shots in him. A witness with long dreadlocks says he saw him when he was sitting in front of his house and ID's him. It was a shooting at a crack house. The suspect was chasing the victim in his car, he hit an innocent car, crashed into a tree and the guy jumped out and shot him three times. He has a bunch of rock on him, might be a drug deal gone bad. The shooter gives him three different stories – he was watching TV with his girlfriend, then can't remember the show, then wasn't watching TV. (10:31 PM) The suspect is brought in. Mike says for the first day it feels good, after the years of college and school, now it starts to pay off. On the first day you want to catch all the bad guys. (4:35 PM Assistance Call) He says all rookies get in a mind set like they are going to change the world. One cop told him you aren't going to change the world, just go out and make your little dent. After 20 years there will be someone behind you to do the same thing. A call of a confused elderly lady at a downtown store comes in. The woman says she missed the bus and was short on taxi fare. She's a government worker, on SSI and gets a check every third work. She's well known and called the police for a ride because she was always told to call a cop when she was in trouble. So they give her a ride. (5:20 PM) She says she works and is a good woman who earns a living. (9:21 PM 911 Call Assault in Progress) They spot a Mike, black guy in a yellow hat with his shirt falling off and put him in the car. The victim has a thick Russian accident. He says the guy attacked his friend, came up to him, was on drugs and took his watch. His friend comes up with a shirt wrapped around his head, his face is bruised, bloody and he needs stitches. He hit him with his fists and they ran to the gas station and found a pipe to defend themselves. Mike says those two guys attacked him and ripped his jacket, he doesn't know why and he hasn't been drinking. Officer Larry Krebsbach puts him in the ambulance. Officer Laurie Janikowski finds a watch in Mike's pocket and asks the victim to describe it. He says it's a cheap gold Rolex and it's broken, because he broke it. It's a match. (10:08 PM) Out there you are dealing with average people, good and bad. Arresting a felon, helping an old lady back home, it's part of the job.
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