O'Grady, Noggin's first original animated series, is a comedic look at real teenage life”the relationships, the drama, and the "weirdness." This new half-hour series revolves around four self-centered high-school students who must deal with their teenage existence while putting up with the "weirdness," an inexplicable bizarre phenomenon that afflicts their town. O'Grady is The-N's first original animated series. Billed as a cross between Friends and The Twilight Zone , the series revolves around four self-centered high school students, who must deal with the reality of their teenage existence while putting up with the "weirdness" that afflicts their town. The animated comedy "O'Grady" is created by Tom Snyder (Home Movies,Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist) and Carl Adams. Lyrics to O'Grady theme song, written by Andre Lyman and sung by Kelly Osbourne.
Headed for a drive but we're on our way again
We hook up with our friends like almost everyday
This weird thing happens
Actors: Patrice O'Neal, Holly Schlesinger, Melissa Bardin Galsky, H. Jon Benjamin
Genre: Animation