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What is The Courtroom about?
Welcome to The Courtroom guide at TV Tome. The Courtroom is Channel Four's first daytime serial and comes from the makers of Brookside and Hollyoaks which isn't surprising as Phil Redmond created all three shows. The series is set in a courtroom and each episode deals with a different case. Its similar to Granda's 1970's television series Crown Court but the makers claim its gritter and more modern than its predassor. They also claim it will tackle more contraversal subjects than Crown Court did. The cast includes many familar faces to television including Claire King, Terrence Hardiman,Helen Sheals & William Armstrong. It also included a host of guest stars such as Sherrie Hewson, Colin Wells, Georgina Walker, Jaqueline Leonard, Peter Baldwin, Shaun Scott & Craig Fairbrass

Actors: Derren Nesbitt, John Duttine, Malcolm Stoddard, Claire King, Francis Johnson, Christopher Ravenscroft, Matthew Radford, Judith Barker, Barry Sloane, Susan Woodridge, William Armstrong, William Franklyn, Terence Harvey, Patrick Toomey, Helen Sheals, Terrence Hardiman,

Season 1 of The Courtroom

    Episode 7: Bones  
    Episode 8: Wasted  
    Episode 9: Gatsos  
    Episode 17: Owzat  
    Episode 19: Tragey  
    Episode 27: Zero  
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