Moesha, the second show created by Ralph R. Farquhar along with the writing team of Sara V. Finney and Vida Spears (Family Matters), premiered on UPN in the winter of 1996 as a vehicle for Grammy-Award winner/teen idol Brandy and Sheryl Lee Ralph's return to primetime television. After Farquhar's first critically-acclaimed show, South Central, was abruptly cancelled in 1994, Moesha was his second attempt at creating an urban comedy sitcom. Set in the Leimert Park section of Los Angeles, Moesha follows the life of a happy-go-lucky family through the eyes of a typical teenage girl. Her father, Frank, a Saturn car salesman, has remarried Dee, a teacher at her school, much to Moesha's dismay. As Dee makes real headway becoming a mother to Moesha's little brother, Myles, Moesha's fond memories of her real mother have inhibited her from opening up completely to Dee. But Moesha later realizes that Dee can be a good friend and ally. When not at home or school, Moesha hangs out with her best fr
Actors: Yvette Wilson, Countess Vaughn, Ray J. Norwood, Shar Jackson, Lamont Bentley, Sheryl Lee Ralph, Marcus T. Paulk, Fredro Starr, Brandy Norwood, William Allen Young
Genre: Comedy