It's comedian time! 1. Dennis Miller vs. Carrot Top 2. Rodney Dangerfield vs. Don Rickles Main Event: Billy Crystal vs. Robin Williams vs. Whoopi Goldberg
1. Dennis Miller vs. Carrot Top The two battle with props from a treasure chest, and in the end, Dennis Miller shoves an air pump into Carrot Top's arse, inflates him and then turns him into an animal balloon. Dennis tires to make a joke, but no one gets it, and when Carrot Top insults him, he takes an sharp object and bursts his opponent all over the arena!
2. Rodney Dangerfield vs. Don Rickles The two comeidans are famous for insults, and they fight with a giant grill in the middle of the arena, and a giant spatula. At first, Don is winning by shouting insults at Rodney, but after so many, his insults grow weak and he loses his strength. Dangerfield then takes over, and punches Rickles so hard that he knocks him to pieces all over the grill!
Main Event: Billy Crystal vs. Robin Williams vs. Whoopi Goldberg The fight
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