Glenn Garth Gregory is an investigator for the super-secret government agency known as the Delphi Bureau. The Delphi Bureau
is answerable directly (and only) to the President. Officially
it's a research firm and Gregory's cover is that of a researcher. The Delphi Bureau is so secret that even Gregory
himself is not precisely sure what it does, where it is based out of, or how many people work for it...he suspects the Delphi
Bureau's only members are himself and his boss, Sybil Van Loween, the mysterious Washington socialite who gives him his assignments. He meets her in various locations around Washington. The relationship between Gregory and Sybil was very ambiguous,
they had a lot of very sharp, witty dialogue. reminiscent of a
'30's screwball comedy, and her flirtatious attitude toward him
hinted that they might have been more than employer and employee. There was also a little bit of a hint that blackmail
might have been involved in Gregory's working for th
Actors: Anne Jeffreys, Laurence Luckinbill, Celeste Holm