Heartbreak High is a hip and realistic series about the lives of teenagestudents, their families and teachers at a high school. Heartbreak High is set in an inner city school at Sydney Beach, Hartley High, within a multi-racial area. Heartbreak High was originally a stage play which producer, Ben Gannon, turned into a successful film The Heartbreak Kid in 1993. The show captured more than 70 per cent of the youth audience in its first five weeks of broadcast in Australia.
Actors: Danny Raco, Abi Tucker, Despina Caldis, Simon Baker, Tasneem Roc, Kym Wilson, Alex Dimitriades, Tina Bursill, Jan Adele, Tara Jakszewicz, Nina Liu, Andrea Moore, Tai Nguyen, Jon Pollard, Katherine Halliday, Luke Jacobz, Vince Poletto, Marcel Bracks, Hugh Baldwin, Putu Wi
Genre: Drama
Imdb: click here