From Steven Bochco Productions comes an innovative take on the modern police drama. The lead character, New York Detective Jim Dunbar, was blinded in a shootout when his partner failed to cover him. He could have retired with a full pension after his injury, but instead fought to remain on the job, determined to prove he still has what it takes and be an asset. Now, following his reinstatement, he is assigned to a new precinct where he intends to take on cases with the help of his guide dog, Hank. On his first day back on the job, he meets Detectives Tom Selway (Reno Wilson) and Marty Russo (Frank Grillo), both hardboiled New York cops. Russo is especially skeptical at the outset, bent on humiliating Dunbar and seeing him fail. In addition, there's Karen Bettancourt (Marisol Nichols), a Homicide detective who's been working with Selway and Russo for eight months on a serial murder case. Though all the detectives are impressed by Dunbar's heroism, demonstrated during the eve
Actors: Ron Eldard, Frank Grillo, Michael Gaston, Marisol Nichols, Reno Wilson, Rena Sofer
Genre: Drama
Imdb: click here