The Neo Empire Gear, situated in the South Pole has begun their attack on Earth. Fortunately, 500 years ago, a robotic bee named Peebo showered five people in Japan with biomic (or bionic) waves of energy and awaited the day when thier descendents would be needed to defend the world. Now that day has come. From out of nowhere, a giant, self-sentient Bio Robo[t] swoops down on five unsuspecting young adults and informs them that they are the descendents of the five biomic/bionic powered people which means that they have the power to transform and become the bionic powered Bioman to stop the Neo Empire Gear from terrorizing the Earth. It won't be easy though. The Neo Empire Gear is comprised of villains with names such as Fara, FaraCat, Monster, Meiso, and Doctorman. The Bioman must suit up and prepare themselves for the long haul because the Neo Empire Gear is not a force that will take any prisoners!
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