John Nettles plays D. S. Jim Bergerac, a recovering alcoholic, working for the fictional 'Bureau Des Etrangers' of the CID on the small island of Jersey, a British protectorate lying a stonesthrow from the coast of France. Although now divorced, Jim still maintains a strong relationship with his ex-father-in-law Charlie Hungerford (Terence Alexander), a slightly shady entrepreneur turned socialite with a finger in almost every pie, and a great source of information for a hard working detective
Actors: Louise Jameson, John Nettles, Sean Arnold, Terence Alexander, John Telfer, Nancy Mansfield, Therese Liotard, David Kershaw, Cecile Paoli, Charmaine Parsons, Celia Imrie, Annette Badland, Michael Mellinger, Deborah Grant