Doc tries to examine Dan Braden. Matt stops at Tom and Mary Stocker's wagon. Tom sold his ranch to Dan Braden. Braden doesn't have the $1200. Dan postdated the IOU by a year. Dan offers Tom $600. Kitty tells Tom it's getting kind of late. Tom goes to Dan's. Dan shoots at Tom. Tom returns fire. A lantern is knocked over. Tom and Mary light out on horseback. Dan's body is badly burned. Matt asks Louie to stand guard. Lem Hubley rides up and invites himself to dinner. Tom tells Mary to get rid of Lem. Doc tells Matt Dan was shot. Tom tells Mary he shot Dan with a .36 Colt Navy, a rare caliber. Tom and Mary ride up to Bill and Beth Miller's. Bill figures they're on the run. Tom pulls a gun and clunks Bill when he rushes him. Matt and Festus find out from Lem where Tom is. Tom's horses run off in the night. Matt talks to the Millers. Tom hijacks two horses from a stage. Mary needs to eat and lie down. Barney Cox isn't too friendly until Mary says she's with child.
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