When Eliot remembers he may have forgotten to file a written argument with the judge and thus jeopardized a case, the associates track down Wendy Turner, the temp he gave the papers to, to make sure she delivered one set of copies to the court clerk and one set to the judge herself. But Eliot flies off the handle when she says she gave both to the clerk (who's incompetent), and told him to give the other to the judge. Tucker and Leslie want Eliot to go easy on Wendy because her marital problems are well-known, but he fires her anyway and she bursts into tears. To make her stop, he rehires her and begs Johnny to cheer her up by asking her out on a date, believing a married woman won't accept. Yet Wendy is so unhappily married, she does accept. While Leslie rushes to get a new argument delivered to the judge, Wendy shocks her by asking if it's wrong to have an affair with Johnny. Leslie tries to make him call it off, but he takes Wendy out anyway and has such a good time, he asks her out
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