The New Casper Cartoon Show was a Saturday morning cartoon show that ran on ABC from 1963 to 1969. It starred the famous friendly ghost Casper. Casper first appeared in his own cartoon shorts made for theaters in the 40's and 50's by Famous Studios. Many of these theater shorts later appeared on TV from 1959 to 1961 as part of the Sunday cartoon series "Matty's Funday Funnies" on ABC. On "The New Casper Cartoon Show", Casper
appeared in newly made-for-TV cartoon shorts. Appearing in the Casper shorts, were his supporting cast members, Wendy the Good Little Witch, Spooky, Casper's ghostly practical joking cousin, Nightmare the Galloping Ghost Horse, and The Ghostly Trio, Casper's fiesty ghostly roommates who constantly critized Casper for being friendly and not scary. Other shorts on the show were shorts that were originally made for theaters by Paramount Cartoon Studios. These shorts were called "Modern Madcaps". Casper had 2 shorts per show and one "Modern Madcap" in-between al
Actors: Allen Swift, Norma McMillan, Jack Mercer, Bradley Bolke, Sid Raymond, Arnold Stang, Ginny Tyler, Jim MacGeorge, Bob Hastings
Genre: Animation