A jogger who was gunned down in a park manages to contact his wife via his cell phone before he passes. His wife (now at the scene) tells Ortiz about her husband's partner and their business dealings and a British tourist with a camera makes the start of the investigation interesting for Sipowicz and Clark.
Meanwhile at another crime scene, Jones and Medavoy are investigating a body found in the trunk of a stolen car. The DOA is the owner of the comedy club. It's Rodriguez's last day and John Irvin passes around a card for everyone to sign for the going away party that will be held later that evening. Sipowicz and Clark interview the dead jogger's business partner. He tells them about the affair his partner was having with another man's wife and gives them her name, Janet. At the ""Laff Pit"" Jones and Medavoy interview the comedy club owner's wife, Lois Rubicoff. She tells them about some minor problems that her husband was having with some of the talent. Boxes for Rodriguez's r
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